State of the Ape XXXII
Once more, thank you for your prayers.
And another year comes to an end. Another year that was a pure gift from God (THANK YOU, LORD).
Healthwise, not much different. A scan earlier this month revealed indications of atherosclerosis, so I’m going in for a different scan on 1/2; we’ll see how that works out.
I published two books and two short stories this year. No word about the short story I submitted on 10/31.
Edwina 3, alas, is currently dead in the water. I’m making a New Year’s resolution to
buckle down and get it done.The Bride and the girls are all well.
HAPPY NEW YEAR! (And I hope you had a Merry Christmas.)
And, of course, clerihews:
When Hieronymus Bosch
Had sobered up, he said, “Gosh!
Did I paint that triptych?
How utterly cryptic!”
Theodore Dreiser
Wanted to be Kaiser;
Or, if that was was too much bother,
Duke of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha.
Percy Bysshe Shelley
Lived before the invention of the telly,
And so he never wrote a stanza
About Bonanza.