Recent blurps:
Inspired by William Luse's painting of a bird at
Merciful hunter -
Quarry taken and mounted,
Yet alive and free!"
Father Z's blog, responding to Father Z's objection to split infinitives:
Infinitives I love to blithely split -
You may wish to pedantically object,
Or rashly throw a nutty (spittle-flecked) -
Rage how you will, I plan to never quit.
Contemplating advancing age:
I don't rove with the lusty young studs,
Or carouse with the dashing young bloods;
All such days gay and fast
Now are long in the past -
I just fud with the other old duds.
Oh dear. Not only did I miss announcing my 58th birthday on April 26th, I also missed announcing my 10th blogiversary. Preoccupation with other matters, advancing age, inertia, just plain sloth? Probably all of them.
As long as I'm here, I shall mention that tomorrow will be the 25th anniversary of the day on which the Bride and I "met" each other. We were members of an organization called Single Booklovers
(still around). I had just joined; I had looked through the list of thumbnail profiles they had sent and compiled a list of possibilities (that sounds rather bloodless, but it really wasn't), and then went through it again and added a few more - she was one of the afterthoughts. I called her on May 17, 1989 (I was in New Jersey, she was in Houston); we were talking marriage in July, I flew down to Houston in August, we got engaged Christmas Eve, and were married the following September. (Impetuous folly or two people old enough - 33 and 30 - to know their own minds? Subsequent event would seem to indicate the latter, although where we would have been without also benefiting from great dollops of God's grace, I
don't know).
Sorry to bore you with trivia. I may have another bit of scribbled oddness up soon - it's still being edited & we'll see how it comes out.