By the way, I shall be going on a retreat this weekend. This is the first one I have been on, so I have no clear idea of what to expect. I'm not even sure why I'm going, beyond that I was more or less moved to; I'm hoping that it will change my level of cluelessness. There is the ordinary level, where one doesn't know the answers; I am at the higher and purer level where one doesn't even know the questions. If anyone should happen to visit on the next few days, a quick prayer for me would be greatly appreciated.
Greetings. Sorry for the absence; it has been caused by a concatenation of circumstances, some creditable, others not. For much of the time my attention was focused on responding to an invitation issued by Mark Windsor of
Vociferous Yawpings, who had single-handedly drafted a
platform for a hypothetical Christian political party and posted it for discussion. I was moved to go through the whole document and comment, which took some time owing to the glacial pace at which my mind works. Mr. Windsor found some of them worthy of his notice, as can be seen
Secondly, I am subject to intermittent fits of what I call lowness of spirits (it used to be called hypochondria, before the term was narrowed to denote a concern for one's imaginary ailments, which is merely one of the possible symptoms; James Boswell was a noted hypochondriac in the old sense), during which any productive work is more difficult than usual. They come and go at odd times, but I can usually count on a prolonged one during the middle to late summer, I don't know why.
Thirdly, I have volunteered to take over the post of webmaster for my parish's website. This has involved a fair amount of tinkering with the HTML code, as I prefer to work directly at the code level instead of using the design functionality of, say, FrontPage.
Finally, not a whole lot has been going on in my life to blog about.
Spotted a bumper sticker yesterday:
Your guess is as good as mine.
The Storm Queen, while watching the Kenneth Branagh/Emma Thompson
Much Ado about Nothing: "Daddy, they should make a play out of this."